Police Blotter August 1, 2022 to August 7, 2022 | Warminster Township Police Department

2022-08-12 20:43:03 By : Ms. Julie yi

Warminster Township Police Department -Arrests and Notable Incidents Blotter:

On 8/2/2022 Police were dispatched to the 700 block of Pelham Rd for the reports of threats made via communication device by a known subject.  After investigating Police obtained a warrant for the subject, a 46 YOA male with no fixed address.  The subject was later taken into custody without incident for the offenses. 

On 8/3/2022 at 8:07AM Police were dispatched to the area of the 500 block of York Road for the report of a burglary that had occurred in the overnight hours at the closed hair salon.  It was reported someone made entry through a rear door of the business and took money and checks.  The investigation is on going at this time.   

WT-22-09003 Active Fire Call

On 8/2/2022 at 2:42PM officers were dispatched to the rear of the business plaza at 301 York Road for a report of an active fire in the dumpster.  Upon arrival the first officer on scene observed the fire which quickly began to grow and spread to the wooden enclosure fence which was surrounding the dumpster.  The dumpster was located with in feet of a PECO Transformer box as well.  The officer responded by grabbing the fire extinguisher from the rear of his patrol vehicle and sprayed the dumpster and surrounding areas.  The officer was able to get the fire under control until the responding fire department personnel from Engine 90 of Warminster arrived to completely put out the remaining fire. It is unknown how the fire started but it is not considered to be intentional at this time.

WT-22-09105 Public Drunkenness Arrest

On 8/4/2022 at 4:23PM Police responded to the speedway section of the township for a report of a male sitting on the curb yelling and possibly intoxicated.  After investigating the 35 Year Old Male from Warminster was found to be intoxicated and cited for Public Drunkenness.

WT-22-09012 Retention of Library Property Citation Issued

Police took a report of property that was not returned to the local library. The subject who was issued notices to return said property failed to do so.  Police issued a Non Traffic Citation for retention of library property to a 62 year old female from Warrington.   

WT-22-09201 Public Drunkenness Arrest

On 8/7/2022 at 6:11AM Police responded to the area of Five Ponds Drive for a report of a suspicious vehicle parked and running in front of a residence.  Upon investigating Police found the 22 Year old male sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle sleeping. The subject appeared to have vomited on himself, the car and the street next to the vehicle and showed signs of intoxication.  The male was cited for Public Drunkenness.

WT-22-09015 Retention of Library Property Citation Issued

Police took a report of property that was not returned to the local library valued at approximately $212. The subject who was issued notices to return said property failed to do so.  Police issued a Non-Traffic Citation for retention of library property to a 39 year old female from Doylestown.

WT-22-09033 Burglary in Progress Call

On 8/3/2022 at approximately 4pm Police were dispatched the area of Acorn Drive for a reported Burglary in Progress. Upon arrival it was found that there was a known subject on scene who was not suppose to be on the property.  After investigation the subject was advised to collect their belongings and leave the property.     


**** Making a Police Report or Speaking with an Officer Involving an Incident:

If you need to make a police report, report a crime in progress or that has recently occurred and/or speak with an Officer in regard to a situation, you can dial 911 for emergencies or 215-672-1000 for our non-emergency dispatcher 24 hours a day.

The Crime Watch site “Contact Us Form” and the citizen contact form are for general administrative questions and general information request, not for dispatching or making reports. Please be aware these contact form accounts are not continuously monitored and therefore there can be a delay in getting a response or having an officer address a situation. 

****As many residents are aware a drug collection box is located at the Police Department (401 Gibson Ave, Warminster PA) for the convenience of township residents.  This drop box allows residents to safely and securely dispose of old prescription and over the counter medications.  The box is located in our 24 hour Police Lobby.  Residence should read the warning label on the front of the drop box to ensure they are only leaving approved items. These items are collected and then properly disposed of by Police.   

**** We would like to remind everyone to please remember to secure your vehicles and valuables, also many newer vehicles have key fobs that auto unlock your car doors when you are in a certain range, please keep this in mind when parking your vehicle and ensure those key fobs are stored far enough away when not in use so that your vehicles remain locked.  Doing these simple things will help minimize the chances of you becoming a victim of this type of theft. Most actors in these cases are looking for unlocked vehicles/quick easy targets that they can get in and out fast. These types of crimes tend to increase with the nicer weather.  If you happen to see suspicious or illegal behavior occurring, it is always best to call to have an officer dispatched to check the area as soon as possible.  Call 215-672-1000 (Non Emergency Dispatch) or 911 for emergencies. 

****  Please remember to remove children and pets from vehicles when unattended. Leaving a child and or pets unattended can be extremely dangerous given the various weather conditions.  If you notice an unattended child and or an animal in distress in an unattended vehicle, citizens are urged to call Police.    

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